Giulio Iellini, a Trieste native like many superstars on the Simmenthal era, was born in 19547 and still was able to play and win the first club’s European title in 1966, as the very young sub of legendary Gianfranco Pieri. Iellini was a point guard, but not a classic one, he was an artist of the jump-shot, his attitude was a little bit one of a rebel, his look consistent with his time, long beard and longer hair. He won three italian titles as a youngster, one more as the great team’s point-guard forming a devastating back-court with Pino Brumatti, in the second of the three consecutive tie-breaking games against Ignis. He won two Cup of Cups, leaving Olimpia in 1975 to make the rival Varese stronger in the process. There he won one more European title, nine years after the first. He finished his career in Vigevano and with Lazio. He won two bronze medals at the European Championships, played two Olympics too. He was a modern player, years ahead of his time, nowadays he’d be called a “scoring-guard”. He scored 5090 points in his career. At Olimpia he was the “Number 5″. By definition.

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